Human Capital

Employee Engagement – performance driver or consultancy product?

Coming from a human capital perspective employee engagement is a supreme discipline in getting employees to perform right and to deliver valuable results. The Conference Board defines employee engagement as follows: “Employee engagement is a heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for his/her job, organization, manager, or co-workers that, in turn, influences [...]

Von |2017-04-22T11:14:44+02:00Februar 16th, 2012|Strategieentwicklung|0 Kommentare

Leadership Challenge?!

Today´s ever-changing business landscape calls for the need of exemplary leadership in every organization, to helm the business through difficult times and drive people towards excellence and success. Exemplary leaders are those who are able to inspire and engage the people around them in committing to achieving extraordinary things. What does inspiration and engagement mean [...]

Von |2019-04-29T13:56:40+02:00Januar 14th, 2012|Strategieentwicklung|0 Kommentare

Herzlich willkommen …

Im Unternehmensblog der STRIM Unternehmensgruppe schreibt Herr Dr. Volker Mayer, VR-Präsident und CEO der STRIMgroup AG, Wissenswertes und Interessantes rund um die Themen Strategie, Innovation, Elemente leistungsstarker Organisationen, Talente, sowie Planung & Analytik. Sie als Leser sind herzlich eingeladen mitzudiskutieren, Fragen zu stellen und diesen Blog mit Ihren Anregungen zu bereichern. [...]

Von |2019-08-20T17:00:20+02:00Dezember 17th, 2011|Allgemein|0 Kommentare
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