Many school leavers are currently unsettled due to the corona pandemic, and there are no advice options such as training fairs. Because of the corona crisis, numerous companies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria have also registered short-time work. Many no longer hire trainees and thus run the risk of lacking young talent.

In such a tense situation, it is all the more important to address potentially suitable trainees. This takes place along so-called candidate touchpoints, i.e. interfaces between an applicant and a possible training company. This includes, for example, Skype or telephone interviews, as well as personal conversations in compliance with infection protection regulations.

At each touchpoint resp. at the contact point, the applicant comes into direct contact with the company. This contact consists of two levels: the person learns something about the company (cognitive aspect) and the contact is accompanied by feelings or triggers feelings (emotional aspect).

The aim of our touchpoint survey is to examine both levels at the respective contact points using approx. 5 questions to the applicants, to process the data and to condense it into findings for the respective company.
As a result, the training company will rethink and redesign the contacts to applicants and ensure that all measures are coordinated in such a way that the applicants are offered an outstanding experience (candidate experience) at every point of interaction, without doing anything losing sight of process efficiency.

We are happy to provide further information on request [contact].