generative AI

Are there any real use cases of AI?

Currently, you can’t open a trade magazine, browse recognised specialist sites on the web or attend specialist conferences in person without “stumbling” across the topic of artificial intelligence. Many so-called experts have obviously absorbed AI with their mother’s milk and live more in the artificial than in the real world. […]

People Analytics – next stage of development?

We are currently working in detail on the possibilities of generative AI and a European standard for sustainability reporting (ESRS) in line with the CSRD, which came into force at the beginning of January 2023. What does this mean for people analytics? Is the next stage of development due? […]

Generative AI in HR – a different perspective

Application areas of generative artificial intelligence, or GenAI for short, are often examined from a technical perspective. With regard to HR, automation, recruiting and the evaluation of employee data are often mentioned. That´s all? This article takes a different perspective. […]

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