digital transformation

Digitization is coming – strategy too?

I´ve read and heard a lot of times in the last few months: The pandemic has accelerated digitization. The examples then given in this context may all be correct. I ask myself the question: Are these examples just born out of necessity, or is there a strategic concept behind them? […]

Business Breakfast “Führung und Innovationskultur” in Zürich

Was verstehen wir unter Digitaler Transformation, Führung und Innovationskultur? Was ist der aktuelle Stand dieser Themen in Wissenschaft und Praxis? Welche Auswirkungen hat Digital Transformation auf Humankapital im Allgemeinen sowie Führung und Kultur im Speziellen?

By |2019-05-02T11:10:42+02:00December 14th, 2017|, |0 Comments
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