Culture of Innovation

Experience makes the difference

Cause-and-effect relationships are helpful when it comes to understanding relationships in a company and getting a grip on complexity with the help of key influencing factors. With all the variety that can be there; an “axis” is stable: A compelling place to work (employee focus) – a compelling place to shop (customer focus) – a [...]

By |2022-04-29T07:49:12+02:00January 30th, 2021|Culture of Innovation, Employee Engagement|0 Comments

C-Suite-Challenge 2021

The Conference Board C-Suite Challenge™ 2021 examines the issues business leaders say are keeping them up at night in 2021. CEOs cite the COVID-19 virus, vaccine availability, and changing consumer buying behaviors as the key potential game changers in 2021. Despite some good news — including modest growth expectations for the global economy — they [...]

BCG study “The Serial Innovation Imperative”

The BCG consultants Ringel, Baeza, Panandiker and Harnoss published the study "The Serial Innovation Imperative. The most innovative companies 2020". Facing turbulent and fast-changing markets, innovators need a well-tuned innovation system that can spot emerging product, service, and business model opportunities—and then rapidly develop and successfully scale them—over and over again. Successful serial innovators get [...]

By |2021-01-06T19:09:20+01:00January 6th, 2021|Culture of Innovation, Innovation Management, Press and News|Comments Off on BCG study “The Serial Innovation Imperative”

HR Management: Review 2020 and Outlook 2021

Shortly before the beginning of 2020, I dealt with the question: When will strategic HR come and close the evidence gap? A few weeks later, Covid 19 overshadowed (almost) everything. Nevertheless, there is increasing pressure on human resources to develop from an operational, administrative function to a strategic, transformational function in the company. [...]

What distinguishes “wise innovators” when analyzing company and personal data?

The past few months have not made the spread or deepening of the topic of workforce analytics (WFA) – or people analytics – any easier, although the alignment of resources is currently very important and of immense importance for future competitiveness. Why is that? Is there too little data? Do we lack sufficient expertise in [...]

Organisational Development: more than employee participation and change (2/2)

Organisational Development (OD) should be implemented on all three levels of the St. Galler Management House − normative, strategic and operative. There is no either-or but only an as-well-as. From this perspective − in accordance with the title of this post − OD is much more than employee participation and change! […]

Organisational Development: more than employee participation and change (1/2)

Organisational Development (OD) is a general term for a planned, systematic and goal-driven shift in the organisational structures and processes as well as the behaviour of the employees of a company. On the one hand, it is supposed to improve the company’s performance while, on the other hand, it supports the development of every single [...]

How can strategy execution succeed? (Part 1/2)

Two new articles deal with the demands that are necessary for the implementation of strategies to be successful. There is no guarantee of success, there is also no “one size fits all” approach. This makes it all the more important to know and experience from practice that can be used as a guide. [...]

AI from a cultural and organizational perspective

Artificial intelligence (AI) now has a decisive influence on decisions in almost all areas of life. The technologies that make this possible are developing rapidly and are becoming more attractively priced. So why is it that the vast majority of companies have only used AI in pilot projects or in a single business process? [...]

Culture and leadership – a question of attitude!

Culture and leadership are deciding factors for the success of the cause-and-effect-chain great place to work − great place to shop − great place to invest. To generate a successful corporate culture, an ongoing dialogue with the employees and transparent action on the part of management is vital. Good leadership is especially characterised by fully [...]

By |2020-08-01T12:36:35+02:00August 1st, 2020|Culture of Innovation, Leadership|0 Comments
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