Search results for: business model canvas

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Business Modeling

A business model shows the logical connections between the business activities of a company. The business model canvas, as well as derived views, such as e.g. talent sourcing canvas, value proposition canvas and lean canvas. .

By |2020-10-10T06:43:46+02:00July 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on Business Modeling

Business Breakfast “Berufsbildung als Kernbestandteil der Strategischen Personalplanung” in Zürich

Akute Talentknappheit in Kombination mit einer sich schnell ändernden Belegschaftsdynamik und abnehmender Produktivität machen es erforderlich, dass Unternehmen in Zukunftskompetenzen investieren. Damit die Bemühungen der Zukunftsfähigkeit effektiv und nachhaltig sind, müssen sie strategisch ausgelegt sein, um die allgemeinen Geschäftsziele zu unterstützen. Bereits vor vier Jahren erschien das Buch "Die neue Berufsausbildung: strategisch, agil, wirtschaftlich": Was [...]

By |2019-06-07T09:07:48+02:00June 7th, 2019|, |0 Comments

Digitization is coming – strategy too?

I´ve read and heard a lot of times in the last few months: The pandemic has accelerated digitization. The examples then given in this context may all be correct. I ask myself the question: Are these examples just born out of necessity, or is there a strategic concept behind them? […]

How can strategy execution succeed? (Part 2/2)

In the last few months I have taken Daniela Kudernatsch’s strategy execution benchmark study to hand and used it to “mirror” ongoing projects. This gave rise to five essential claims. I already set out three in September; This article is about two more. […]


Berufsausbildung 4.0, Juni 2015, Hotel Schloss Edesheim Individualisierung entlang Lebenswelten, soziale Netzwerke und die DNA klug agierender Ausbildungsbetriebe waren wichtige Themen der Tagung. Individualization along lifestyles, social networks and DNA of savvy acting training companies were important topics of the conference. Ansprache und Gewinnung talentierter Berufseinsteiger, Mai 2015, Sonnenberg Convention Center Zürich [...]

By |2019-04-29T13:52:49+02:00December 7th, 2015|Comments Off on Galleries

Talent Management

Talent Management is the strategic management of the flow of talent through an organization, and involves identifying, implementing, and evaluating the best global people strategies to achieve financial and operational success. It is about thought leadership and strategic thinking.

Talent Management Approaches for your Success:

By |2019-09-26T11:06:03+02:00September 30th, 2015|0 Comments
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