Strategic Workforce Planning

Central statements on upskilling and reskilling

For a long time, reskilling and upskilling were mainly used in Anglo-Saxon corporate cultures and tech circles. In the past 18 months or so, they became common. Various specialist magazines dealt with this in detail over the past few months: Upskilling and reskilling stand for forward-looking, systematic forms of further training. They are gaining in [...]

Strategy execution requires competence development

There are a number of success factors for a successful strategy execution: corporate culture, leadership, communication and binding process along so-called disciplines are just a few of them. In connection with a changed or even new business model, the question of core competencies always arises. […]

Artificial Intelligence: blessing or curse?

Our society is changing incessantly and at increasing speed, and the corona pandemic does not change that. Our life is difficult to imagine without technology and artificial intelligence, and those who refuse to do so may miss the boat. But where are the technical achievements really taking us, and with what purpose are they being [...]

How can strategy execution succeed? (Part 2/2)

In the last few months I have taken Daniela Kudernatsch’s strategy execution benchmark study to hand and used it to “mirror” ongoing projects. This gave rise to five essential claims. I already set out three in September; This article is about two more. […]

When does “strategic HR” arrive and close the evidence gap?

Digital technologies are developing exponentially and in the process are eliminating old jobs and creating new ones. Being ready for and willing to change is central in this time and HR should propel and participate in this cultural change. […]

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