Engagement & Retention

Engagement & Retention2020-07-11T09:26:55+02:00

Employee engagement is an approach designed to ensure that all employees can do their best every day under the right conditions. High commitment stands for high target and value conformity, as well as high motivation to contribute to the company’s success and to promote their own well-being.

Organization, executives and employees form a so-called engagement ecosystem. This is essential for a high employee retention.

Organisational Development: more than employee participation and change (2/2)

By |October 24th, 2020|Categories: Competence Management, Culture of Innovation, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Organizational Development|Tags: , , , , |

Organisational Development (OD) should be implemented on all three levels [...]

Organisational Development: more than employee participation and change (1/2)

By |September 24th, 2020|Categories: Competence Management, Culture of Innovation, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Organizational Development, Strategy Execution|Tags: , , |

Organisational Development (OD) is a general term for a planned, [...]

Jacob Shriar about Employee Engagement

By |February 11th, 2015|Categories: Employee Engagement|

Excerpt from an articlewritten by Jacob Shriar, February 10, 2015: What your employees really want (and how you can give it to them). Jacob is the Director of Customer Happiness at Officevibe, and is on a mission to make the world of work better. He believes that everyone deserves to love their job, and be happy, healthy, and productive at work. He's passionate about startups and company culture, and believes you should never stop learning

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